Better! Faster! Smarter! Brainiac is a powerful tool for your mind and a pleasing one for your soul.
GenreTech StackPlatformRoleStatusClient
Educational, PuzzleHackNplan, Propietry EngineFacebook Instant GamesProducer & Game DesignerPublished (Taken down in Dec-2021)PLAY.WORKS

Game was Shelved


Brainiac is all about improving your cognitive skills while having fun doing so. Featuring five different exercises, a solid progression system and a daily routine for players to utilize. As players advance and complete their daily goals, they encounter new difficulty elements in the same exercises, effectively keeping the game alive for longer and presenting the player with a true and natural progression curve.


My job was to design the whole game, whilst making sure to distribute tasks and assignments to the team. I can’t say working on this wasn’t challenging. I found wearing the hat of both the producer and the designer challenging as I had internal conflicts on scope and design goals. Altogether it gave a much better understanding of team composition and managing relationships with programmers and middle management.

I wrote so much documentation for this game its insane XD

Changing to Timogo

all I have left from the game - a wireframe